Stafford House英语假期学校为来自世界各地的青少年学生们提供高质量的暑期英语课程和课外活动。授课地点集中在大学校园或久负盛名的私立寄宿学校内。他们在业界广受赞誉,一贯致力于提供高质量的英语语言课程、组织完善的课外活动及外出游览。学校遍布英美各地的营地能为国际学生们提供一个安全、友善生活学习环境,使其度过一个美好的英语假期。


Stafford House的教职员工都是经过全面训练后上岗的,有能力应对任何突发事件。我们聘请高素质的教师、体育辅导员以及学生生活辅导老师,他们的责任就是全面照料到访学生。学校的学术与运营总监会来往于各营地之间进行质量监督。此外还有健康与福利指导员在暑期走访各个营地,保证学生的健康和安全。


各营地的课程均由具有专业资格认证的教师教授,他们依托学校强大的资料库、教材库,遵循专业学术团队为英语假期学校量身定制开发并且久经考验的课程大纲开展教学。Stafford House 坚信课程的学术内容和休闲活动同等重要,鼓励学生们不要仅仅局限在“学习”语言,而要抓住一切机会使用它。所有英国营地均为三一学院评级考试(Trinity College GradedExaminations)授权的英语口语考点。




无论你选择参加哪个营地活动我们都非常欢迎!期待年夏天您和同学们相聚在Stafford House英语假期学校!

具体各地营地的精彩活动项目以及不可错过的机会请咨询索菲亚教育,我们的联系方式是[email protected] ,我们的夏令营专员会为您设计一个丰富的夏季独特经历。

Padworth Summer School offers young students aged 9-17 from all over the world an ideal opportunity to enjoy an active holiday in the UK while learning the English language in a warm and friendly environment.

  • Full board residential accommodation on the campus
  • Peaceful and secure location
  • 21 hours of tuition per week
  • Varied daily programme of sports and leisure activities to suit all interests
  • Full day excursions on Wednesdays and Saturdays including trip to London each week
  • Escorted transfer from Heathrow or Gatwick
  • Friendly and supportive staff
  • Small classes of 12-15 students
  • Easily accessible by road, air and rail, the Padworth campus is set in beautiful English countryside just 40 minutes drive from Heathrow.

Summer School Language and Activities Course

The Summer School Language and Activities course offers students aged 9-16 the opportunity to immerse themselves in the English language under the supervision of qualified and experienced teachers and social organisers, who together provide a full programme of teaching and leisure activities, seven days a week.

On arrival at Padworth, students are assessed by ability and then placed in an appropriate class of approximately 12-15 students. The teaching programme provides 21 hours of English lessons and makes use of a variety of teaching techniques to ensure that the learning process is an enjoyable one and to develop confidence in the use of the language, written as well as oral. At the end of the course, each student receives a certificate to mark the progress they have made.

The Summer School course is available for a minimum of two and a maximum of seven weeks

Summer Study Course

For students aged 14+ who wish to undertake a higher level course or who need to improve their English language skills in preparation for starting academic study in the UK in September, we offer the Summer Study course.

Summer Study aims primarily to develop the English language skills which are essential for successful academic study and therefore the weekly programme provides 18 hours of intensive English tuition. In a class of no more than 12, students concentrate on the four basic language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The principal aim is to help a student to develop confident understanding of spoken and written English and accurate use of the written language during the course.

In addition, students are introduced to the specialist language associated with academic study in  a range of academic subjects, for example, Mathematics, Information Technology, Art, International Business and Environmental Science. The aim of these classes is to teach the basic vocabulary and skills which are specific to each of these subjects.  Students also develop their study skills and  learn about British culture and traditions to enable them to feel comfortable in their new environment.

The Summer Study course is available for a minimum of four and a maximum of seven weeks.

Download the weekly timetable here

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